Your dermatologist will take a directed medical history, which may include information about past health problems, current medications and occupation. This is to help formulate a diagnosis, and also to plan the most suitable treatment to help you.
Your dermatologist may suggest a full skin check; particularly if you are having a check for skin cancer. Your dermatologist may also suggest a full skin check if you have an unusual rash, as there may be clues to the diagnosis on the rest of the skin. A full skin check involves examination of the skin not covered by your underwear. If you would not like a full skin check, please feel free to decline this. We are also very happy to arrange a chaperone, or for you to be accompanied by a friend or family member, if you wish.
We routinely take digital photographs to document your skin condition. The confidentiality of your photographs is important to us. Your photographs are never used for publication (unless we get separate written approval from you). If your condition is particularly difficult, we may request your permission to email de-identified pictures to colleagues for a second opinion. If you would not like a photograph taken, please feel free to decline this.
We collect information from you for the primary purpose of providing your health care. Confidentiality of your information is important to us. The information we collect may be used in the following ways:
Administrative purposes in running the practice, including confirmation of your appointment via SMS. Billing and collection purposes.
Disclosure to others involved in your health care, including treating doctors and specialists outside this medical practice. If you are referred by Work Cover / insurance company / legal firm, a report will be sent to this referrer.
Disclosure to other doctors and locums in the practice for the purpose of patient care.
Emergency situations whereby medical officers/hospitals may require urgent access to patient notes.
Legal disclosure as required by law.
We request at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment to allow us to offer this appointment to other patients waiting. If you do not provide us with 24 hours notice, we will require full payment in advance if you wish to reserve another appointment.
I am aware that I will be charged a fee to see the Doctor and if I have any procedures there will be additional fees. Read more about our fees.
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