Skin Care Tips for Over 40

Skin Care Tips for Over 40

Skin Care Tips for Over 40

We believe that 40 is the new 30, and we’re thrilled that women feel the same way. A recent survey published in The Daily Express discovered that females are more content when they reach their forties than at any other age, and they feel as though they are years younger than their real age.

Seemingly many adolescent insecurities are rid of as women reach forty. An astounding 81% of the participants in the survey said they were happier with themselves than most young women appear.

Unfortunately, the happiness they have doesn’t have anything to do with their skin.

Female Skin at 40

Yes at 40, skin begins to deceive a woman’s age. It no longer naturally glows as it once did in her 20’s. When she’s in her forties, it starts to look lifeless and dull.

What happened to the vital skin compounds? The answer to that is things like exposure to the sun, gravity, aging, toxins in the environment and poor lifestyle choices affect the way your skin looks and feels.

Skincare Advice for Women Past 40

Typically speaking, when a woman approaches her 39th birthday, she tends to notice those fine lines turn into wrinkles. Hyper-pigmentation and dark spots may also surface.

Let’s Look at Ways You Can Counter-Attack these Problems

• Peel the Years back

Chemical peels erase the top layer of skin cells. They smooth lines and facial texture which help give a smooth skin tone. Most of today’s favorite skin treatments for women past 40 are chemical peels by your practitioner to treat your skin. A mild to medium chemical peel is the most common for uneven skin tone, fine lines, and rough texture. To get rid of wrinkles and discoloration, a specialist will usually recommend using a strong chemical peel.

• Use a Glycolic Acid to Exfoliate

The fact is that our bodies being to decelerate by the time we hit 40. Skin sheds a lot slower, which means dead cells stay on the surface. Exfoliating on a regular basis is necessary, and most dermatologists advise applying a glycolic acid serum on a regular basis.

• Stimulate Collagen by Using Fractional Resurfacing

LED and fractional resurfacing treatments carried out by an aesthetic professional can revive skin’s healthy glow. Your skin will also look smoother; these procedures also make those large pores and fine lines less noticeable.

• Use Fractional CO2 for those undesirable Age Spots

After turning 40, your skin starts to lose its power to heal itself, and as a result of this, the side effects of the exposure to the sun become more noticeable. Women start to notice brown spots on their arms and face, particularly if they have neglected using sunscreen. Fractional CO2 treatments are productive in turning skin that’s sun-damaged smoother and more even in texture.

• Treat Age Spots with Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

Age spots that are particularly brown and dark make them difficult to treat. Intense Pulsed Light treatments erase discoloration without causing harm to the skin, therefore, work great for treating age spots.

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